We would like you all to know about our engineering cubed or E-cubed. It’s our philosophy on minimizing optimizing network designs and minimizing trouble-shooting by allowing our engineers to conduct root cause analysis quickly in single or multi-vendor environments... So what does this mean? Well, to put it simply.
3GC engineers are required to get certified and experienced in one converged technology. Technology such as UC, hyper-convergence, IP video surveillance, business provisioning, application security, or virtualization. Our engineers also do the same for one perimeter technology, like network security, WAN optimization, SDWAN, or telecom; and most importantly, core infrastructure.
This leads to time and cost savings. You will see cost savings in such things as MTT/Finger Pointing, Implementation, Outsourcing, MTTR, and In-House Admin. Learn more about our E-cubed and how your business can benefit (https://www.3gcgroup.com/#e-cubed).